TURKISH DESSERT (BAKLAVA) Delicious! One of the best Turkish sweets. The baklava is both a powerful and an extremely sweet dessert. Anyone who has ever tasted baklava could not have remained indifferent.
Baklava is a typical Turkish Dessert made of layers of nuts and spices which creates a very light and flaky pastry. This is combined with honey and lemon flavored syrup. Simply a treat.
I CAN EAT 24/7 Mmm, I just finished one! (Again!) Nutty, with paper-thin pastry and a glaze of fresh honey. Especially with Turkish Coffee, unbelieveable lovely. Try it at Pasha’s Restaurant when you visit.
Dessert of the Day
Fresh homemade baklava accompanied with Turkish delight and nuts.
LIST OF TURKISH DESSERTS ; Ask our friendly staff for today’s special.
* Aşure (Noah’s pudding)
* Baklava (Piled up)
*Dondurma (Ice cream)
*Un Helvası (Flour Halva)
* Güllaç
* Hoşaf or Komposto (Compote)
* Kadayıf
* Kazandibi (Cauldron-Bottom)
* Muhallebi (Turkish-style rice pudding)
* Pişmaniye
* Sütlaç (a Turkish style rice pudding)
* Lokum (Turkish Delight)
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